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We think that one of the best ways to support the zine community is by sharing information. That's why we've gathered this collection of resources, including selections from Zine World and links to other sources.

The Zinester's Guide to U.S. Mail -- This guide covers the various options zine publishers can use for mailing with the U.S. and internationally, including detailed information about First Class, Media Mail, Parcel Post, and Bound Printed Matter. (PDF, updated Sept. 2008)

Everything You Wanted to Know About a Zine Fest (But Were Afraid to Ask) by zinester and former distro owner Nicole Introvert

How to Pick What Zine Library to Donate To? by Jenna Freedman, reference & zine librarian at Barnard College.

Zines 101: A Quick Guide to Zines is a 2-page sheet with the basics on how to make a zine, where to find zines, layout templates, and what to do with your zine once it's finished.(PDF)

Other Resources - These are a few online resources we recommend for more information about zines, publishing, etc.: